There are many Hindu rituals here in Bodhgaya.
We offers 2 special retreat tours in this fall.
One is Diwali and other is Chhath Puja.
Dewali 28.Oct.2024-1.Nov.2024
Deepawali, Deepavali, or Diwali is the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals. It is the festival of lights: deep means “light” and avali “a row” to become “a row of lights.” Diwali is marked by four days of celebration, which literally illuminates the country with its brilliance and dazzles people with its joy.

Chhath Puja 5.Nov.2024 to 9.Nov.2024
Chhath is a major Hindu festival celebrated in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
Almost all civilizations have worshipped the ‘God Sun’, but it has a unique form in Bihar Chhath Puja is the only occasion where the setting sun is worshipped along with the rising sun.

Participating festivals as being a part of the Indian family was one of the highlights of the trip. Prayers and giving thanks to deities in every day life brought us to the present moment and pure joy of just being. We wanted to share that experience with others that’s why we made this retreat tour!

Why we made this retrea tour
Last fall, the“Sattva Gate Project” has started. It’s a project to build ashram in Bodhgaya India. Sattva means “light,” “goodness” and “purity” in Sanskrit. We’ve created the first hut using earth bag method utilizing the mud at the site.
Space of pure love…
The Sattva gate project and this retreat tour are made possible by Anup Kumar and his partner Yuko Momose. They run Prema Metta School, and next to the school, Senamura Yoga Guesthouse where some of Anup’s family members are the staff members. We felt like being a part of an Indian family as we stayed at the guesthouse; participating in the festivals, cooking Indian meals, working on the vegetable field, playing with children.

A family experience …
Participating festivals as being a part of the Indian family was one of the highlights of the trip. Prayers and giving thanks to deities in every day life brought us to the present moment and pure joy of just being. We wanted to share that experience with others that’s why we made this retreat tour!
Please check more details by below URL.
We look forward to celebrating this special day with you all.
Chhath Puja
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